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* The majority of services are currently available via video call

Root-Cause Services

For clients looking to address the root cause of illness and return to health,  an in-depth

investigation to uncover your unique triggers, deficiencies, imbalances and exposures that are the root cause of a chronic condition. Includes an assessment of your life time-line, functional systems, gut health, nutritional status and lifestyle factors.

1st Appointment: Consultation

Comprehensive review of your diagnosis, current symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and discussion of goals, initial steps and testing recommendations. 

$350/hr | Consults run approx. 1.5-2 hours 

2nd Appointment: Assessment and Plan

Development of detailed treatment strategy to address the underlying cause of your chronic condition. Laboratory tests ordered during consultation are explained, and results incorporated into your plan. 

$350/hr | Assessments run approx. 1.5-2hours

3rd and Future Appointments: Evaluation

Tracking of progress and adjustment of treatment plans as you reach goals or encounter road blocks. Visit frequency depends on goals and progress.

$350/hr | Evaluations run approx. 1hour.

*FSA and HSA funds are accepted. Additional visit time will be billed in 30 min portions at rate stated for each visit type.  See FAQ for more payment options information.


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Immune Services

For help  or advice when your immune system need a boost


Immune Virtual

Advice on supporting your immune system using functional medicine, so your body can mount a better defense to viral infections. Telephone or Video-Visit Only

$80 | 20 mins

Immune On-Site

On-site physician visit and testing for individuals or groups who wish to know their infection status for peace of mind, to determine treatment needs, or aid decision-making about returning to work. Medical insurance is required to reimburse you for this service*


Evaluation and physical exam to assess for viral infection or exposure status.

Medical insurance may reimburse for this service.

$80 | 20 mins


Functional Treatments for Viral Infection

For more powerful immune support  to help fight off  infection, or for prevention. Available options include IV vitamin C infusion.  Assessment is required prior to infusion

Not covered by insurance.

Starts at $80 | appointment duration varies


Email for more information, or to request an appointment


Request an Immune Onsite appointment

Thrive Service

Personalized medicine to optimize wellness, improve performance, and target genetic risk factors, for those who are generally healthy. Provides a deep dive into the factors that affect your current wellness and your future risks, including an assessment of your life time-line, functional systems, genetics, nutrition and lifestyle.


1st Appointment: Consultation

Detailed review of your medical history, nutrition, lifestyle, defining of your goals, discussion of initial steps and testing recommendations.

$250/hr | Consults run approx 1-2 hours.

2nd Appointment: Assessment and Plan

Explanation of laboratory and genetic tests results as needed, and detailed discussion of your personalized strategy to optimize health. 

$250/hr | Assessments run approx. 1-2hours

3rd and Future Appointment: Evaluation

Third and any future appointments involve tracking of your progress and refinement of strategy as you reach or change goals. Visit frequency depends on goals and progress.

$300/hr | Evaluations run approx. 1 hr


FSA and HSA funds are accepted. Additional visit time will be billed in 30 min portions at rate stated for each visit type.  See FAQ for more payment options information.

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